The need for freedom and the tenacious struggle for justice of North Africa and theMiddle East ’ women and the men don’t give up. In the streets of Egypt and Syria - as in other Arab countries - thousands of people are demonstrating again to end authoritarian and illegitimate regimes; and again police and army shoot, beat and kill, seeking to stop the protests for justice , freedom, dignity.
InEgypt formally "democratic" elections does not put an end to the military rule and the repression of the most radical and consequent democratic and revolutionary movement. The protests in Cairo , the strikes of the different workers sectors, the women' s demonstrations are all signs of a democratic process that cannot be confined only to elections and above all can not be under the protection of the armed forces.
So thatEgypt could really start on the road to democracy, the military must abandon the political power and their economic and financial affairs.
InSyria , Bashar Assad regime is violently repressing opposition demonstrations since almost one year.
Thousands of deaths documented by independent witnesses, expulsion or arrest of journalists unrelated to media "embedded" in the system (or some other foreign interest); thousands of arrests of dissidents, admitted by the same scheme, suppression of freedom of the press, including murder and beatings of journalists, cartoonists, representatives of institutions that defend human rights, continued application of state of emergency despite the promise of a cancellation in fact never occurred.
The legitimacy of the Baathist regime has long been finished and we can’t sustain it on the basis of international alliances in the region.
The Syrian population is several times victim: victim of repression and authoritarianism of the regime; victims of indifference of the so-called "international community" concerned that regional balance can skip a state of "cold" conflict now useful to the interests of U.S., Europe, Israel and other regional powers; victims of the operations of the reactionary Arab regimes (Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar in the first row) that would undermine Assad to install a regime more pliable to their interests.
We can not and do not want to surrender to the reasons of "geopolitics" but we want to align ourselves with the right of freedom, justice and dignity.
We are against any military intervention inSyria . The recent Libyan example showed the suffering, the deaths caused by NATO to "protect" civilians, the unworthy game against people; any foreign intervention would deprive the people and democratic and revolutionary forces of Syria to control the future of their country and its sovereignty, making him a prisoner of the interests of major powers and / or regional powers. In this sense, would provoke the collapse of any positive outcome of the revolt and a further blow to the revolutionary process in the Arab world and Middle East .
We want to support Egyptian democrats in their struggle for true democracy, respect for human rights and justice and dignity.
For this we appeal to all democratic people and forces in Italy to develop a strong and widespread campaign:
• to support the Syrian people and the democratic Egyptians, the end of repression - and to support of all Arab peoples in revolt and to give solidarity to the popular democratic and revolutionary forces; against the repression of the regimes and to support their international political isolation - from the bottom and institutional - that does not involve embargoes against the people;
• against any possible military intervention: no to "humanitarian"missions; no to NoFlyZone (first step of the war), sending troops and the use of military bases in Italy.
The need for freedom and the tenacious struggle for justice of North Africa and the
So that
Thousands of deaths documented by independent witnesses, expulsion or arrest of journalists unrelated to media "embedded" in the system (or some other foreign interest); thousands of arrests of dissidents, admitted by the same scheme, suppression of freedom of the press, including murder and beatings of journalists, cartoonists, representatives of institutions that defend human rights, continued application of state of emergency despite the promise of a cancellation in fact never occurred.
The legitimacy of the Baathist regime has long been finished and we can’t sustain it on the basis of international alliances in the region.
The Syrian population is several times victim: victim of repression and authoritarianism of the regime; victims of indifference of the so-called "international community" concerned that regional balance can skip a state of "cold" conflict now useful to the interests of U.S., Europe, Israel and other regional powers; victims of the operations of the reactionary Arab regimes (Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar in the first row) that would undermine Assad to install a regime more pliable to their interests.
We can not and do not want to surrender to the reasons of "geopolitics" but we want to align ourselves with the right of freedom, justice and dignity.
We are against any military intervention in
We want to support Egyptian democrats in their struggle for true democracy, respect for human rights and justice and dignity.
For this we appeal to all democratic people and forces in Italy to develop a strong and widespread campaign:
• to support the Syrian people and the democratic Egyptians, the end of repression - and to support of all Arab peoples in revolt and to give solidarity to the popular democratic and revolutionary forces; against the repression of the regimes and to support their international political isolation - from the bottom and institutional - that does not involve embargoes against the people;
• against any possible military intervention: no to "humanitarian"missions; no to NoFlyZone (first step of the war), sending troops and the use of military bases in Italy.
We want the UN to organize a committee of independent and not armed investigation in Syria to check the violations of human rights and build the conditions for free elections and an end to repression.
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